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How To Host Art Events

By: Mike Watson - Updated: 23 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
How To Host Art Events

One way of making headway as collector is to host an art event of your own. Doing this is a great way of firmly establishing yourself and of making contacts.

An art event can take on many guises and needn’t be a traditional exhibition (see related articles for information on hosting gallery events). You may stand to make waves for relatively little cost by simply hosting a one off evening event for two or three hours. The thinking behind this is simple: most galleries attract the majority of attention on free-drink fuelled hospitality events prior to the opening of the actual exhibition (which usually runs for 28 days). You can avoid the cost of having your event run for 28 days by simply holding an evening hospitality event. You may wish to do this on a night coinciding with other art events in your area, to maximise the flow of people coming toy your gallery. This will be useful as information about your event will pass around by word of mouth amongst the art crowd. If you are living in an area that has no coordinated art scene you may wish to spend extra time thinking about the best time to hold the event, and how to publicise the event. Websites such as ‘New Exhibitions’ are ideal for publicizing events.

Types of Events

You could use your event as a means to promote your art collection, or may prefer to simply host the event as a means to getting to know those around you better.

If you choose to show works from you collection follow advice in other articles focusing upon the hanging and displaying of artworks for exhibition.

You may prefer to orientate your event around video art, performance art, or a public talk. A blend of two or more of these features could go down well as people will be kept moving thinking and talking.

Things to Consider

Free alcohol and sometimes even food are pretty much ubiquitous at such events and are therefore seen as necessary. Believe it or not people will often choose whether or not to go to an event based upon whether they think there will be free booze there! When people have arrived they will ring around friends to make them aware that there is free booze, unless there is none, in which case they’ll ring around to find out where the ‘party’ is! This may seem a somewhat bizarre attitude, but it is the attitude nonetheless, and in light of this it may be worth either ringing around for a wine or beer sponsorship, or taking a booze cruise to help recover costs! Think of it this way – what you give now, you may receive later in terms of reputation and sales made, as well bargains bought! Try to have one each of red and white wine and some beer available. You may wish also to have some sort of food available. This will help you to stand out from the usual crowd who offer only lager!

If your event is to be worthwhile you may wish to print some literature that can be taken away with people. A simple side of A4 that highlights the intentions of the event, with your contact details at the bottom should suffice. Here it may be a good idea not to make your intentions as a collector too explicit. Many people may simply be intrigued that you have taken the effort to put on your event. Events which seem staged in pure goodwill will earn you the most valuable friends and contacts over time.

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